eBookGold - The Publishing Software Solution

Note: This is an old article, eBookGold's affiliate program is no longer operational.

Developed by: Implix Corp.

  • Product value: $97
  • Commission: 35% Per Sale
  • Sub Affiliate Commission: 10% Per Sale

The EBookGold affiliate program is part of Implix Corp., a "combined" affiliate program that tracks also other products and services, such as the popular Bizmint, GetResponse, Website Wizard, and HyperTracker.

Tracking System:
Whenever a visitor comes to these web sites through your link, a cookie will be saved on his computer. This cookie contains your affiliate information and if the visitor visits the site later (even after many weeks) and purchases the product, the Implix system will retrieve that cookie and credit your affiliate account with commission.

Payout Schedule:
Payment is issued in the form of a check in US currency when the balance owing is $50.00 or more. The balance of your account is checked on the last day of every month. If at that day your commission is lower than $50, it will be added to your next month check. The money will stay in your account until you generate commissions worth at least $50.

Implix Affiliate Program is absolutely FREE. It costs you NOTHING to join the program and NO monthly fees will be deducted from your earnings. They will provide you free of charge with all the information you may need to promote the products successfully.